April 2024 Spring Newsletter

Hello friends of the creek,
Spring has sprung! FODC has numerous upcoming events and opportunities for you to check out as you enjoy the warmer temperatures and longer days.

Deckers Creek Spring Cleanup - WV Make It Shine
Our biggest creek cleanup of the year is this Saturday! Join us Saturday, April 6th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to clean up trash along Deckers Creek as part of the annual WV Make It Shine Statewide Spring Cleanup. Meet us at our Outdoor Learning Park to receive supplies, directions, and safety tips. Volunteers can choose to pick up trash along the Deckers Creek Rail Trail, be sent to a specific location in need of a clean up, explore the stream banks, or pick up trash out of the creek. Trash bags, gloves, and trash grabbers will be provided by REAP and FODC. Bring water, sun protection, and dress for the weather. Waterproof boots, waders, and/or a change of clothes are recommended if you plan to get wet by picking up trash in the creek. Let us know if you’re coming by registering on Point or on iServe!

Rain Barrel Workshops with Morgantown Utility Board
Friends of Deckers Creek and Morgantown Utility Board are teaming up once again for our Rain Barrel Workshops. The cost of the workshop is a little less than $45 and participants receive a rain barrel, a conversion kit, assembly instructions, and valuable tips from FODC and MUB. Workshop 1 is April 8th at 6:00 p.m. and tickets are on sale now at https://bit.ly/rainbarrelworkshop1. Workshop 2 is April 15th at 6:00 p.m. and tickets are on sale now at https://bit.ly/rainbarrelworkshop2.

Gardening at the Outdoor Learning Park
Open gardening hours at our Outdoor Learning Park every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. begin April 17th. Come help out for as long (or little) as you'd like. Duties may include: planting new plants, pulling weeds, removing invasive plant species, picking up trash, path maintenance, drawing educational material on the chalk board, and other general gardening tasks. Visit deckerscreek.org/volunteer to register and learn more.

Save The Frogs Day
Our second ever Save The Frogs Day event is on Saturday, April 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Outdoor Learning Park. Join us for a fun-filled day with live animals, frog themed games, crafts, education, and more. This event is free and open to all ages. Visit deckerscreek.org/events for more information. Learn more about frog conservation and SAVE THE FROGS! on their website at savethefrogs.com.

Spring Foraging Workshop in Arthurdale
Friends of Deckers Creek is joining Arthurdale Heritage, Inc. and the Foraging Queens for a spring foraging workshop on Sunday, April 28th from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Arthurdale Center Hall. This beginner friendly workshop will get you started identifying some spring wild edibles and medicinal plants growing right in your backyard and provide ideas on how to enjoy them. Learn the basic do’s and don'ts of foraging, the differences between native and invasive plant species, and gain hands-on foraging experience. The workshop will begin with a foraging walk along the Deckers Creek Rail Trail. Tickets are $40 for Arthurdale Heritage members and $45 for non-members. Click here to get tickets.

Open positions on our Board of Directors
Are you interested in getting involved with Friends of Deckers Creek? We have several open positions on our Board of Directors. Our board members assist our organization with managing our internal affairs, developing programs and policies in line with our mission, volunteering at events, and more. Board members serve two year terms and can renew for a maximum of three consecutive terms. Board meetings are typically held every other month on the third Wednesday. Our next board meeting is on Wednesday, May 15th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at our office on 205 Parsons St, Morgantown, WV 26505. Click here to complete our board member interest form.

Updated Membership Tiers
Do you want to support Friends of Deckers Creek and all of the work that we do? Consider becoming a member. We’ve updated our membership model with four personal tiers and three business tiers to choose from. Memberships remain active for one year from your date of donation and can be auto-renewed monthly or annually. Visit deckerscreek.org/membership to learn more.